Big Bands on the Bay

July 02, 2012

To reward ourselves after a long, hot day of unpacking and settling in to our new house, James, Baby Anne and I picked our tired bones up and went to Big Bands on the Bay at Ocean View Beach Park on Sunday night.

The series runs all summer long, featuring a different band every week. This week it was The Continentals, who offered an upbeat mishmash of big band interspersed with beach music, oldies, and classic country western. The pavilion was crowded with dancers, ranging from beginner to advanced, folks were barbecuing on the boardwalk, and the setting sun and the bay made a picturesque backdrop to the festivities. 

Baby Anne was a little overwhelmed at first by how loud it was, and protested every time we tried to set her down. I think she was a little afraid she'd be run over by some of the jitterbugging couples. (To be fair, it wasn't an irrational fear--I did have to bob and weave a little to get that shot, above, with my camera). She did deign to dance with her daddy--but once we moved away a bit from the hubbub--she let loose. That girl can cut a rug for sure.

It was just the kind of evening that we'd been looking forward to ever since we'd first started talking about moving back to Norfolk. A laid-back atmosphere, friendly faces, a sea breeze, and the waves whispering, "Welcome home." 

It was just right.

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