Just-Because Cake

August 06, 2013

We got this idea from The Artful Parent, another project we did with Cousin K. A box of plain vanilla cake mix, a can of white icing -- a blank slate, if you will -- and two kids. What would they come up with?

The answer: A sheet cake, decorated with a LOT of pink frosting, some blueberries (as a nod to health or a color contrast I'm not sure), and a plastic princess for good measure.

This one was barely a craft, requiring minimal effort and I debated posting it. But in then I decided that I would as a reminder to myself if nobody else. In this age of competitive Pinteresting and overplanning, it's nice to just go with the flow sometimes, to have no idea how a project is going to turn out, to make a cake and have a celebration just because you can. It was a joy to watch the girls with their cake.

It was also pretty nice to eat it when they were done. Yum!

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  1. I found you Virginia Bloggers!! Loving the site. We are Williamsburg!! Love the cake and your bow!


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