Friday links (and where else to find me)

July 25, 2014

We have been having a crazy time these past few weeks as our house undergoes some serious renovations. Remember all that rain we had back in the spring? It wreaked a fair amount of havoc on pretty much every room in our house, thanks to a faulty roof. We're fixing it now, and excited about how it will turn out, but our house is a little bit of a disaster zone. For instance? In our living room we have a couch sitting on top of a couch. Yup. Also, some of my blogging tools (camera, laptop charger) seem to be sitting somewhere around the bottom of the pile. So blogging has been slow (as you might have noticed), but we hope to be back at full speed in the next week or so.

In the meantime, Happy Friday and here are some links that caught my attention this week. Hope you enjoy!

Did you hear that Norfolk/Virginia Beach was named the second happiest metro area in the US? (The first happiest is our neighbor, Richmond -- only a hop & skip away).

Fellow #HRVA blogger The Purposeful Pappy wrote this great article about crying in front of your kids for mamalode this week.

We're about seven items in to this Coastal Virginia Summer Bucket List. Luckily we've got a month left to try to hit them all!

If you have a dino-lover at home, you might enjoy this article that theorizes that all dinosaurs were covered with feathers!

Using game theory to deal with toddlers? I need to try this.

Finding art in science.

This week at Fun and Free Hampton Roads, I wrote about free crabbing (happening tonight!) at First Landing State Park. Click over to check it out. Have a great weekend!

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