Cherry blossoms at Red Wing Park (and some springtime favorites)

April 19, 2017

For the past five years that we have lived in Hampton Roads, we have been sick or out of town for the cherry blossoms at Red Wing Park (home of the beautiful Miyazaki Japanese Garden).

This year we managed to catch them. 

The blossoms were a day or two past peak when we went, with little green leaves popping up but I almost like them better this way because every time the wind blew, it rained tons of petals. Gus and his friend I. had a great time stamping and dancing around in the showers. (Gus got to use one of his fave new words: WOOOOOOW.) And the ground was blanketed in pink.

Now that the cherry blossoms have come and gone I feel like I can finally officially say it. HAPPY SPRING! Feel free to check out some of our favorite bloomiest springtime places to go and things to do around HRVA (before summer comes and scorches everything away).

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