Christmas at the Yorktown Victory Center

December 22, 2013

We spent our last weekend before Christmas at the Yorktown Victory Center. There was a lot we wanted to see but the thought of experiencing a Colonial Christmas seemed so fun that we moved it to the top of the list. It turned out to be kind of a bum day for cultivating a holiday spirit -- rain threatened and the temperature was a soggy 80 degrees, not exactly the perfect weather for huddling by a woodfire.

But we still had a great time exploring. In the working farm, Anouk chased chickens and turkeys while J. and I talked about colonial cooking with the "townspeople." That's one thing I have to say for Yorktown that's especially impressive -- the staff really know their stuff. We went on to help dip candles and dumped dipperfuls of water on the colewart in the garden and then peeked in the wood houses at tables set for a holiday meal.

Over at the army encampment, we held our ears while the soldiers showed off their artillery, including muskets and a great booming cannon. Of course this was James's favorite part (but not Anouk's. As soon as she saw the soldier walk over to light the cannon fuse she said, "Mama, I want to go inside RIGHT NOW." We ran, but still heard the tremendous boom.)

The holiday entertainment won't end on Christmas Day; Yorktown Victory Center will feature 18th century Christmas music from Dec. 26th through 31st (more about that here).

Hope you're having a merry Monday!

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