The Fred Heutte Center

March 20, 2013

In celebration of the first day of spring, I thought I'd post about one of our favorite outside spaces, which is the Fred Heutte Center in Ghent. The Heutte Center is located deep in a residential area, which means that unless you're a neighborhood resident, you probably haven't come across it before. I first discovered the center and its gardens as a student at Maury High School (it's a few blocks away) years ago, and was surprised that I hadn't ever heard of it before. It's relative isolation means that the Heutte Center one of those hidden gems and well-kept secrets you're always hearing about: peaceful, unspoiled, but also underappreciated.

The FHC takes up a just small plot of land in the middle of Ghent Square, but it's absolutely jam-packed with goodies. The center itself (which offers horticultural and fitness classes) is surrounded by perennial gardens lovingly tended by volunteer gardeners, and dotted with flowering trees, fountains and statuary. On one side of the main building, there's a camellia bower and on the other, an heirloom vegetable garden (the produce is donated to local food banks). And connecting everything together are paths that wind through stands of daffodils and hyacinths and magnolias.

There are so many things to do in the downtown area that the Heutte Center is often overlooked, but it shouldn't be. It's convenient to everything downtown, a great place to stop in the middle of running errands for a quiet moment or quick romp. As the weather has gotten nicer, A. and I have taken to packing a snack or small lunch in the picnic hamper and spending an hour there, looking at every tree and plant, and soaking in all of the gorgeousness. It's a nice way to recharge our batteries and to celebrate the season.

You can read more about the interesting history of the Heutte Center here.


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