12 in 12 (April 2014)

April 22, 2014

Saturday the 12th was a lazy day for (some of) us here at the Watermelons Grow household. For some reason, having a lazy day actually makes a harder day to shoot than a busy one. Nonetheless, we'll take it (especially since we're having a busy week this week -- a flu-y cold and a lot of home reno stuff will do that to you).

Don't forget to stop by and visit our friends at No Monsters in My Bed and Not-So-SAHM to see how their 12ths went!

9:00 AM: Anne collects neighborhood intel while I make breakfast. She gives me a full report over pancakes (seems like the neighbors across the street have a new truck. She also saw a doggy. Things are afoot here in Ocean View.)

10:00 AM: Speaking of home reno stuff, here is a photo of James up on the roof. We've got a few repairs going on now. I can't wait to see how it all comes together (mostly because I'm tired of it raining in my house). Don't you love his snazzy hat?

11:15 AM: I head to the gym (pics or it didn't happen, right?). Have I mentioned how much we love our membership to the new Y on Granby? (We do -- thanks D. and S. for SUCH a wonderful present!) It took me approximately 20 minutes to get my locker open at the end -- made me feel like I was in high school all over again. A woman drying her hair finally took pity on me and helped pop it open.

1:00 PM: A. and I head off to the mall, ostensibly to get her picture taken with the Easter Bunny but once she sees him in all his life-size, creepy glory, she balks. It's not happening. Instead, we have lunch and hit the Loft 50% off sale, yippee.

2:45 PM: It's such a nice day that we make a detour to Lafayette Park on the way home. Anne has lost interest in the toddler-sized play structures and wants to play on the big-kid ones, which means I spend a lot of time with my heart hammering in my throat as she dangles on the edge of precipices. But she had fun, and that's what counts.

3:30 PM: The dogwoods are in bloom all over the city. I think I love dogwood season even more than azalea season.

5:00 PM: We head out to a fundraiser BBQ at the Knights of Pythian -- my aunt bought tickets from her neighbor and took the whole family as a treat. Is there anything better than home-cooked pork barbecue and giant slabs of red velvet cake in the name of diabetes research? Or anything more random than a suit of armor in a banquet hall?

8:00 PM: Anne tells Dada all about all of the day's adventures before bed. The Makka cat is not impressed.

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  1. Awwww I always love these posts.

    How cute that she sits and observes. I love it.

    The Easter bunny can be pretty creepy.

    Yay for a sale!

    Love your drapes btw.

    1. Thanks! They're plain old IKEA Vivians, cheap and pretty. :)

      I remember being pretty creeped out by the Easter Bunny too when I was A.'s age. I think it's the size -- a lifesize lagomorph is not really that enticing, there's no amount of candy that makes that not threatening.


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