The Art of Video Games at the Chrysler Museum

April 10, 2015

More spring break adventures! Can you tell that Molly and Co. are our partners in crime this week? This chilly gray afternoon took us to the Chrysler Museum to see two current exhibits -- I'm splitting our visit into two posts because both were so great they deserve their own.

The first exhibit we saw was the much-anticipated Art of Video Games (at the Chrysler through May 10) -- basically, a complete history of video games from the very beginning to the current day. Around the room were stations where you could see each gaming system and listen to a bit about it, and in between were little stands where you could try out some of the games (Super Mario Brothers, still got it). This was maybe the most fun part of the whole thing, except for the vintage arcade games at the end (seeing A. play "Pac-Girl" as she calls it was maybe the highlight of the year so far for me).

Nobody else in our group seemed to really love it but for me another highlight was the screen set up to show peoples' faces as they played different video games -- I found it fascinating and could have sat and watched it for hours. Why do so many people look so grim when they're playing? It was very intense.

I'm an advocate of less-screen-time-is-more (in theory at least) but this exhibit really made me want to break out some of our old gaming systems to introduce to Anne. Dad, do you still have that Atari???

Matisse next week, happy weekend!

 ^^ Molly should go on the road as a professional Pac-Man player. That's a career, right? ^^

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  1. OMG.I would LOVE that exhibit! Is it sad that I'm a little more interested in seeing that than the Van Gogh exhibit we have at Crystal Bridges right now?

    1. Eh, I'm not a huge Van Gogh fan either! It looks like this is a traveling exhibit, so maybe it will come somewhere near you? It started at the Smithsonian, more info here:


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