Pie Face

April 01, 2016

We've been trying to have our friends over to dinner one night a week and last week, Molly brought PIE FACE, which holds the current title as messiest and also funnest game in our repertoire. Basically, the idea is Russian roulette but with whipped cream -- you roll the die, turn the lever the appropriate number of times and hope that you escape without pie (whipped cream) on your face.

The best part is that every single person who plays makes the same face while playing their turn. You can see it up there. That squinched up wait-for-it face. Makes for the best pictures.

What are you guys playing lately? HAPPY WEEKEND!

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  1. The best part is that every single person who plays makes the same face while playing their turn. You can see it up there. That squinched up wait-for-it face. Makes for the best pictures.
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