Introducing Lady Kitty

October 19, 2012

The past few weeks have ended up being more than a little stressful around these parts. I have been feeling under the weather for a while, J.'s been out of town, and all of a sudden we found ourselves with too many obligations to go around and ended up having to jettison some of them, which never feels good.

The past few days I've tried to stick close to home as much as possible, to try and get back on my feet. And one of the nice things about doing that is there's more time for at-home fun. Yesterday, I took out some scraps of felt from my fabric bag and whipped up a felt board and some outfits for Lady Kitty and Anouk and I have been enjoying her ever since. Isn't she chic?

Watch those ta-tas, Miss Kitty! You're perilously close to busting out.

It's amazing what a little craft therapy can do for your outlook, isn't it? If you had told me during my busy law student years that one day soon the highlight of my week would be making outfits for a felt cat and dressing said cat with my toddler daughter...I wouldn't have believed you. But there you have it. 

Speaking of highlights, there's a lot to look forward to today. This next week is shaping up to be pretty great. We have some fun outings planned, we're visiting our good friends' new house tomorrow, and most excitingly of all, sometime this afternoon or evening we'll have a new cousin. If you have a moment today, please send Baby H.'s mama and daddy some good vibes for an easy and uplifting birth experience. We can't wait to meet him!

Happy Friday, everybody! What were your favorite things about this week? What are you looking forward to this weekend? 

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