Happy Friday Links (and where else to find me)

March 07, 2014

It feels strange to be saying Happy Friday -- with the storm on Monday and the resulting snow days, I feel like this week never really got going. I never thought I would say I was tired of snow -- I feel like I spent most of my formative years praying for it and never getting it -- but being cooped with a rambunctious toddler for days on end has changed my attitude a bit.

We did take a snowy walk yesterday and noticed that the first signs of spring were creeping up around our neighborhood. Camellias everywhere -- daffodils beginning to pop. Crocuses are popping up in our backyard. I own crocuses! This is almost as exciting to me as owning...well, a house. I love the late winter/early spring flowers best of all.

Here are some of the links I found while poking around on the internet lately. A. and I both have had way too much screen time over the past few days.

  • Just in case you haven't seen it (because it really is a must-see): Idina Menzel, Jimmy Fallon, and the Roots sing Let It Go accompanied by classroom instruments.
  • Maybe this is just because I'm married to a managing editor, but hearing that the NYT issued a correction this week for a misspelling in an 1853 article tickled my fancy.
  • Did you know Margaret Wise Brown (of Goodnight Moon fame) wrote lullabies, too? Neither did anyone else until they were discovered recently. They're going to be published this month. 
  • I'm in love with the Waterlogue app, which turns your iPhone pics into gorgeous watercolor photos. Darcy's bold pops of (water)color are the most striking so I'll let her be the one to convince you to download. 

And if you just can't get enough of me (I know you can't), this week I wrote about free planetarium shows and also an introduction to Indian spices and Ayurvedic healing over at Fun and Free Hampton Roads. Feel free to check it out (GEDDIT?)

Happy Friday!

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  1. Great links! Especially the correction in the NYT. That is awesome!

  2. Oh, and the link isn't correct for that one. It points to the Jimmy Fallon link, so I Googled it. :)

    1. D'oh! Thanks for the heads up. Fixed it.

  3. Love that app. I desperately wish they would make an android version.

  4. Thank goodness it's warmed up a bit! The area around Chippokes is fantastic in Spring. It's one of my favorite places to visit at this time of the year.

  5. Thanks for the shout out!! Now I have to check out everything else on your list!


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