A [Boo]kish Halloween

October 29, 2015

 This Halloween, we took costume inspiration from some of our favorite kids' books.

A. surprised me by insisting that she did NOT want to be Elsa (the first time in three years! Yay!) Instead, she wanted to be a flamingo. Flora and the Flamingo is one of her favorite books -- she loves to sit and "read" it by herself when she's in a quiet mood.

So we cobbled together a flamingo costume in an explosion of pink. Pink chucks, pink tutu, pink leotard and tights in the exact right matching shade of fuchsia (thank you, Rit Dye). A feather boa and a felt mask that is quite possibly my greatest sewing triumph even including the quilts I have made. It's hard to get a flamingo beak to curve in just the right way. And I have the hot glue burns to prove it.

Anouk chose Harold and the Purple Crayon to inspire Augustus's costume. It's also one of our faves. This one was much easier to put together: a blue sleeper and a felt crayon. Et voila. By the way, I must also point out that this book caused Anouk to lobby hard for Harold as Gus's name while I was pregnant with him. But obviously we're not into old man names for little babies so we nixed it.

I didn't have the time/wherewithal to make a costume for myself, but if anybody asks, I'm going to tell them that I'm Nobody. From Goodnight Moon, get it?

What are your kids dressing as this Halloween? Have a great & spoooooky weekend, everybody!

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  1. LOVE Gus as Harold! That is AWESOME! A's looks great too, but I don't know that book!

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