Dinosaurs! at the Virginia Aquarium

October 22, 2015

"But I thought you liked dinosaurs." 

"I do. Just not these ones." 

"Why not?" 

"They're a little too REAL for me, Mom." 

When it comes to an exhibit about dinosaurs, I think "too real" might be a compliment? This wasn't for Nou, but some little dinosaur lover out there will be very happy, I think, with what the Virginia Aquarium's got going on right now. Eight animatronic dinosaur species, surrounded by their own particular habitats, a Paleo dig and fossil discovery station, not to mention a behind the scenes look at how the amazing robot dinosaurs were built! What more could you ask for?

"Maybe they have dinosaurs in the gift shop, too. Can we check? Just...not loud ones."

Sure thing, little buddy.

Dinosaurs! will be at the aquarium until January 3, 2016, so there's plenty of time to go see them for yourself. More details here. And for what it's worth, we did find dinosaurs in the gift shop. Everybody's happy!

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  1. I totally get it, A! When I was seven we went to the Mid America Science Museum, and they had a lifelike dinosaur exhibit. I still have nightmares about that.

    1. Dinosaurs are sort of horrifying! And then you have to have that sad conversation about extinction and that's no fun. Maybe we as a society should wait to introduce them when children are like, teenagers?

  2. The life of a IT technician can get hectic, not that we’re complaining. We find great joy in providing valuable IT services to our clients. Sometimes the job can get stressful and upon hearing the therapeutic benefits of having an aquarium, we decided to put one in our Hackensack, NJ office. We thought it was so neat, we’ve decided to set up a 24 x 7 fish cam that broadcasts our aquarium onto our website.

    There are numerous benefits of having a fish tank, including reducing stress, anxiety, and even blood pressure. There are several official medical and psychological articles written on the subject. In fact, a joint study conducted by the National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth University, and the University of Exeter, that was published in Environment & Behavior, suggests that the longer someone observes the aquatic movements in an aquarium, the lower their heart rate and blood pressure becomes, while significantly improving mood.

    Kendal Clay
    954 Wood Duck Drive
    Marquette, MI 49855


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