
January 14, 2016

Every year we rent a house and spend New Years with friends -- lots of eating, some drinking, talking, and tons of board games. This year the board game that dominated was SO GOOD that I have to share it. My friend A. bought it as a gift to give to a preteen relative but we broke it out and now I don't think that it's going to make it to the recipient.

Suspend! is a balancing game and the point of it is to be the first one to place all of your metal rods on a precarious hanger, if you knock any off they become yours and you have to start all over again. It's addictive -- we played over and over -- and good for both kids and adults, everyone in the house could play. It's also one of those games that you can play without thinking too hard or breaking the conversation (or explaining rules for hours and hours -- I'm looking at you Carcasonne). Which makes it perfect for big group gatherings.

Who knew that Melissa and Doug would be the latest all-family favorite?

What's your family playing nowadays?

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