Tissue Rosette Wrapping Paper

December 16, 2013

In last week's holiday post, you got a glimpse of our presents under the tree and I promised to write about them -- the wrapping, at least, the stuff inside I've managed to keep secret so far this year. I think I've mentioned before on the blog how I used to be a wrapping paper junkie. I would search high and low for interesting paper and hoard it throughout the year. But then I read an article on the environmental effects of the wrapping paper industry and was a little turned off. I converted to kraft paper a few years ago and have to say that haven't missed my old stash.

I don't set out every year to decorate our presents in any unique way but we always end up having a theme which I like, because it helps me remember that Christmas. For instance, I will always remember that in 2011 we used glitter, because it took most of 2012 to clean it up. Last year, we broke out the stamps; this year, I wanted something fun that Anouk could really help with. We ended up making tons of teeny tissue paper "rosettes" (for lack of better word?) to put on our presents and it was so easy, the perfect toddler craft. Just pinch a little bit of tissue paper in whatever color you choose. Scrunch, twist at the base, and glue in a pattern or at random.

Anouk loved this one. It's not the most elegant present wrapping idea, but it's festive and it always makes me smile to see the flashes of red and green on our brown paper packages sitting under the tree.

How do you wrap your presents? Do you DIY your wrapping?

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