Winter Wonderland at Hunt Club Farm

December 10, 2013

Last Saturday evening, we went to Hunt Club's Winter Wonderland with our friends and their two boys and had a (wait for it) wonderful time! We'd been to Hunt Club at Halloween, but it looked totally different tricked out for Christmas. Lights were all over everything, and the long barn had been outfitted into a replica of the North Pole, with scenes from Santa's woodshop and little woodland creatures peeping out from under decorated trees. Little J. was enthralled by all of it but Anne seemed to find a lot of the animatronic animals and elves a little creepy. "I don't want that near me, I'm scared of it," she said several times but then again, she wouldn't let us take her out of the barn either.

She perked up when we went back out into the barnyard. We strolled through them to the other side of the farm, stopping to pet a few friendly goats and donkeys and to take a turn through a maze picked out in red and white lights. On the far field, next to the Christmas-tree lot, there were a few bonfires set up (with s'mores kits for purchase) and so we stopped for a while to warm ourselves by them and to watch the nearby light show, with dozens of lighted plastic figures that blinked in time with the Christmas carols playing. It was like the tackiest, most overdone yard in your neighborhood times eleven (which is to say it was awesome).

Overall, despite a few bumps that mostly came from pushing the outing a little too close to bedtime, we had a great experience. Pros: you get a lot of holiday bang for your buck (admission is $7 a person, 2 and under free), there is so much to do and see. Cons: It was extremely muddy (bring your wellies) and thus not very stroller friendly (bring your babywraps). But if you're looking for pure Christmas cheer and don't mind a little cold and wet,
Hunt Club is the spot.

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  1. Looks fun. We got free adult passes to Hunt Club, trying to decide if we should go or not.


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