In the [hospital] bag

October 16, 2015

It's kind of embarrassing to admit that I overpacked for the hospital when Gus was born, but I did. When Anouk was born early, I ended up at the hospital with nothing but the clothes on my back and I think that experience made me want to make sure I would have every single thing I could possibly need the second time around. (Note: except my wallet. I brought eleven pairs of socks but forgot my license and health insurance card. Oops).

Of course I didn't end up using everything I brought with me (hahahaha dry shampoo), but there were a few things that I was super glad I ended up packing. Having a baby, and having just had a baby, is the opposite of comfortable, and it's so true that little things can really make a difference in making the hospital experience tolerable.

1. Kimono: I packed a kimono instead of a bathrobe thinking that it would look better in pictures (it did) and make me feel a little more dressed/pulled together/human (it did). I made mine myself but this one looks cozy and picture-worthy.

2. Swaddling blankets: specifically, these Aden + Anais ones. They are so much softer and wrap so much better than the hospital blankets!

3. Nursing bra: The most perfect nursing bra in the history of nursing bras. Comfy and stretchy enough even to sleep in, easy to snap and re-snap even with one hand. I bought six of them (but did not bring them all, I am not THAT bad).

4. Pillow: The hospital where I delivered (DePaul, for any locals reading) stressed several times that we should bring pillows from home and they meant it, the pillows that come with the rooms are flat and awful-feeling. I brought my comfy memory foam pillow from home and I didn't regret it. It's almost impossible to sleep in the maternity ward what with all the people coming in and out and OH YEAH THE BABY but this made the sleep I did get so much better. (Just make sure whatever pillow you bring is machine washable, obviously).

5. Hair bungees: When I had Anouk I could not stand my hair in my face during labor. It drove. me. nuts. This time, I brought hair bungees with me -- they will not allow one hair to budge and you won't have to murder anyone.

Parents -- what was the best thing you packed in your hospital bag?

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