Easy Sewing for Toddlers

October 02, 2013

Anouk is at the stage where she wants to do whatever it is I'm doing, especially if I'm sewing. "I want to sew, mama, can we sew?" For a long time, she was content to merely sit next to me while I ran fabric through the machine, but yesterday when I lifted her up, she looked at me like I was crazy. "No, I REALLY want to sew. By myself." So we did some quick thinking about how to make that happen.

This was what we came up with: a roll of shelf liner, an embroidery hoop, some yarn and some plastic needles that I picked up a while ago with the thought that I would make some lacing cards for A. and her friends. I spent a little time showing Nou how to work the needle -- one hand pokes the needle through, the other pulls it from the other side -- and then she waved me away. She had it.

I think this is a great way to get the youngest kids familiar with sewing techniques, and holding the small needle is definitely good for developing fine motor skills. Not to mention that this project holds Anne's attention really very well. I've seen similar tapestry tables on Pinterest (my friend Molly made a great one for her kids), but what I like about this version is that it's portable. It can go anywhere -- in the car, to the store, to the new house. I got a good chunk of my future guest room/craft room primed last week with the help of this little hoop and some yarn.

I especially like the Lion Brand yarn bon-bons in bright for this project. I thought the neon pop looked so striking against the black that I popped one of A.'s early attempts in a frame to spruce up her dresser top.

Do you sew? Do your kids? What have you been working on lately?

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  1. This is always such a fun activity for little kids.As they get older, you can move on to burlap or linen and let them trace and then sew their own drawings. I just saw those bon-bons for the first time yesterday and wondered what to do with them, so cute! I sew, but haven't done any projects in years! I mostly made clothes for the kids and bags (totes and clutches).

    1. LOVE the idea of tracing and stitching a design. Can't wait until A. is at that stage.


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