12 in 12 (November 2013)

November 20, 2013

You might have noticed that last month's 12 in 12 didn't happen -- I was busy being a bridesmaid in my friend K.'s wedding and felt like I had enough to concentrate on without adding a blog project into it. This month we're glad to be back! Last Tuesday the 12th was a pretty ordinary day for us meaning: lots of painting, potty training, and more unpacking but some bright spots (in a very cold day) in between. Be sure to pop over to Darcy and Rebecca's blogs to see what they did on 11-12-13.

8:30 AM: Dutch babies for breakfast. We have these all the time because they are so quick to make and so delicious. Today's was topped with blueberry, lemon juice, and a drizzle of honey.

9:15 AM: Our house is still covered in boxes but of course I spent Anouk's TV time trying out different ways of styling my mantel instead of dealing with them, because priorities.

10:00 AM: A quick walk around the neighborhood takes twice as long now that there are all of these fallen leaves to play in.

11:00 AM: Ordering our Thanksgiving ham and treating ourselves to fresh ham rolls for Elevensies.

12:15 PM: Our daily trip to Lowes. We've been here so often in the past few months that Anouk knows where everything is and the names to half the colors of the carpet samples.

3:00 PM: Books from Grandma arrived today! After a nap, Anouk reads them while I prep dinner (turkey burgers and red beans and rice).

5:45 PM: Helping Daddy put together our kitchen table. This table has now officially been with us through five moves and has survived without a scratch. I'm glad to have a functioning dining room but I'll be a little sad to no longer have excuses for eating dinner on the couch, in front of the laptop. Bad mommy, but I have to admit I enjoyed them.

8:00 PM: Testing out a new cookie recipe for the blog. It was delicious flavor-wise, but a bit of a bust when it came to texture. Back to the drawing board.

9:15 PM: Ending the day with a little trim painting and listening to Ali Brosh's Fresh Air interview. Tired, paint-covered, but happy. :)

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  1. Oooooh, what's a dutch baby? I want to eat a baby! Will we see a recipe?
    Beautiful mantle - it looks like the new house is coming along fabulously.

    1. A dutch baby is a delicious puffed pancake that you bake in the oven! I use this recipe: http://lovetaza.com/2012/02/puffed-pancake-recipe/ but I usually add 1-2 tablespoons of honey/agave to the batter or else it's a little...bready.

      The house is starting to look like real people could actually live here! It's exciting.

  2. She's so cute. She helps like my kiddo. ;)

  3. Aw I love dutch babies! Haven't had one in awhile and I loved seeing it on your blog because it seems many people have no idea what they are!


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