12 in 12 (February 2014)

February 19, 2014

The 12 photos in 12 hours project is supposed to happen on the 12th day of the month, but this month, I was sick and spent the 12th mostly in bed, which would have made for a very boring blog post. I rescheduled for the following week, and ended up shooting our day yesterday instead.

Don't forget to stop by No Monsters in My Bed and Not-So-SAHM to see how their (actual) 12ths went!

7:45 AM. I'm trying to drink less caffeine, which means my new morning pick-me-up is rooibos tea. It is...an acquired taste? And I just don't seem to have acquired it yet? But I'm trying.

9:30 AM. A little art after breakfast.

10:30 AM: A. surveys the neighborhood and reports back to me on who is taking their trash out, walking their dog, etc. She is going to make an excellent busybody some day.

11:00 AM. Zoo Tales with friends B. and T. We meet a tenrec (and get to pet him!) and encounter a beautiful and saucy peacock.

12:30 PM. Anouk has a hankering to visit our old house on the way home so we stop by. We still love you, little house. We hope your new inhabitants will treat you well.

2:45 PM: I do some yard work after lunch -- with the sun shining and the weather almost 60 degrees, it could pass for spring. I start to whip the patio off the kitchen into shape (I'm envisioning an herb garden and bed of peonies) but it's going to take more than a day to make it happen. With the leaves raked away I see that the daffodils are peeking their heads out all over the backyard.

4:30 PM. Chalking the walk with our friends next door. First barefoot day of 2014!

7:30 PM. Barbies with Daddy before bed. Dinner, bath, and books happened in there somewhere but I was feeling a little dead in the water so no pics. 

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  1. Oooo I have a suggestion! Lemon juice. Maybe because I simply adore lemon juice but I really think it's softens the flavor. Good luck!

    Do you like floral teas? I nice decaf rosy hibiscus is always lovely.

    1. I will have to try that. I've got gastritis right now which means no lemon but I'll make a note of it later! I'm a milk-in-tea person, though, lemon might be weird with that?

      I like coffee, haha. I got a vanilla rooibos from Teavana, though, and I like that one a lot better. Plus there's always green tea (decaf). Thanks for the advice!


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