Hot Buttered Lemonade

February 04, 2014

This recipe comes from my local vintage cookbook collection, specifically from one compiled in 1976 by the Members and Friends of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. When I was paging through it and came across this recipe for hot buttered lemonade, I said, "Hmm, weird" out loud while James said, "Oh, that sounds awesome." And then we sort of looked at each other askance for a second.

I whipped up a batch on the second day of last week's snow, when we were getting a little tired of hot chocolate (turns out that can really happen) but still craved a hot drink to hold. And James is right, this drink is pretty awesome, bright and velvety and a little bit like liquid sunshine.


  • 4.5 cups water
  • 3/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  • scant 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon peel 
  • cinnamon sticks for garnish

Directions: Combine the water, lemon juice, sugar, and peel in a saucepan or crockpot. Simmer over low heat for 1-3 hours or at least until the sugar is dissolved (the longer you keep it on the heat the more syrupy and flavorful it is -- we made a big batch and kept it on the stove all day for people running in and out). Ladle into mugs and dot with butter. Serve with cinnamon stick stirrers. Makes 6 servings. 

Complete this sentence: "When it's frosty, I like to curl up with a mug of _______." For me it's almost always coffee. But this is nice for a change. 

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  1. Sounds scrumptious!!! I am SO gonna try it. With a sugar sub.

    My favorite drink to curl up with is coffee too. Sometimes I'll add different things to my coffee to keep things interesting. Like vanilla extract and cinnamon.

    1. J. got me about 6 big bottles of flavored syrup from Sbux as a birthday present this year so I've been having fun experimenting with coffee this year! Let me know how your recipe turns out if you make this. :)


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