Best of winter reading: You Should Have Known

March 18, 2014

If there's one good thing about being sick, at least for a busy parent, it's that you finally have time to read like you used to. Over the weekend, when I wasn't feeling well, I jumped into Jean Hanff Korelitz's new novel, You Should Have Known, and managed to finish it just as I shook off the tail end of the flu. I loved Korelitz's prior bestseller, Admission, and was delighted when I was offered a copy of her latest (which comes out today, as a matter of fact).

You Should Have Known is this year's Gone Girl, a taut, suspenseful novel about a woman who makes her living by pointing out the flaws in other peoples' crumbling marriages. But when Grace Reinhardt-Sachs's charismatic oncologist husband becomes embroiled in something darker than she ever could have imagined, she begins to ask herself what it is about her own marriage that she's failed to notice.

The writing is just so nuanced and well done -- despite the foreboding tone of the story, there were moments that made me laugh out loud, and I gleefully enjoyed the glimpses into the everyday excesses of Manhattan life. In short, I really liked this novel and am sharing in case you're looking for something to curl up with on these last drizzly days of winter (hopefully in better health than mine when I did!)

What are you reading lately?

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. The opinions in this post are my own. 

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  1. Oh great, another fantastic sounding book to add to my never ending list. ;) I'm reading Maya's Notebook, The Goldfinch, and The Good Mother Myth at the moment.


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