The Adventures of Mr. Potato Head (at the Virginia Aquarium)

December 15, 2014

In the interest of full disclosure, I didn't actually go to the Mr. Potato Head exhibit at the Virginia Aquarium -- I was struggling with a cold a few weekends ago, so didn't join James and Anne on their trip. But apparently it was a big hit because James came home and said, "You need to blog about this. It was amazing." What I can gather from that was it entertained a no-nap-that-day Anouk for longer than 10 minutes with no whining involved, which IS pretty amazing.

(Anyway, that explains the lack of photos for this post. James does not have a soul of a blogger and only took a few instead of the hundred million I would have taken).

The Mr. Potato Head exhibit, from what I can gather online and from talking to J. and A., is not actually so much about Mr. Potato Head the toy but about the adventures that Mr. Potato Head takes through an archaeological dig, to the bottom of the ocean, on safari, and into outer space. At each station in the exhibit, kids can run and play, dance, use tools, and explore each different scenario. The VA Aquarium website says that each of these activities are designed to encourage not only play but academic learning and problem solving. A. tells me there were buttons you could push to make noises and lots of lights that "moved around when I moved." (I'm not sure exactly what this means but admittedly, it does sound cool).

The exhibit is free with aquarium admission and will run until May 2015, so there's plenty of time to check it out (and for me to eventually see it for myself, hooray!)

Happy Monday!

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