Above the Fold at the Hermitage Museum

July 15, 2015

We're coming up on the last week and a half or so to see the Above the Fold exhibit at the Hermitage before it ends July 26. For adults, this exhibition of contemporary origami, inspired by DNA, religion, architecture, nature, and science, is as thought-provoking as it gets. For kids, it's folded paper in interesting shapes and sizes and colors! Woo hoo! 

Our kids (Life with Zeke and her brood joined us) enjoyed how the pieces were scattered throughout the rooms of the historic mansion; it was a surprise to peek into each room and see what was waiting for us there. They also enjoyed the DIY station with colorful paper and instructions on how to make your own folded creations. At the door, there were little origami treats to take with you, made by the artists featured in the exhibit. (Anne's pink paper butterfly has gone everywhere with her since we brought it home) (it doesn't look much like a butterfly anymore but we won't mention that). 

After you've taken everything in you can explore the beautiful Hermitage grounds (maybe the shadiest place in Norfolk on a hot July afternoon?). It's the perfect way to spend the day. 10 days left -- you should go! 

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