Thrift Life: an All Star deal

July 09, 2015

When I get questions from readers, they are usually on one of three subjects: venues around town, what A. is wearing, and thrifting, probably because I can't resist instagramming all of the amazing things I find on our (at least) weekly thrifting trips. The most frequent thrifting related question I get goes something like this... I'm new to thrifting and wondering: what should I thrift FOR?

Every thrift store has its own specialty. Some have great kids clothes, others have a large selection of books and media, some are more like antique stores with the style of vintage furniture they tend to carry. But there's one thing that I look out for at pretty much every thrift store I visit, and usually find lurking on the shelves in the shoe section: Converse All-Stars, in every size, style, fit, and print imaginable.

my fave chucks, crossword print! they sadly don't fit at the moment. grr giant pregnancy feet 

Some people get squicked out by the idea of secondhand shoes, but I really don't mind it with Chucks, because they are SO easily rehabbable. You can throw them right in the washer with a scoop of Oxyclean, let them dry for a few days in the sun and voila! they are as good as new. You can replace the inner soles, use a Magic Eraser or nail polish remover to clean the outer rubber sole, and change the laces out to make them your own.

waiting to be fixed up 

They are pretty impossible to wear out, and every pair we've ever thrifted has been subsequently RE-thrifted or passed down to friends with kids with smaller feet.  I haven't paid retail for Chucks in about a decade and have scored some pretty awesome designs. Right now Anouk has several pairs in the next few sizes waiting to be grown into and I'm willing to bet all of them together cost less than the price of one new pair. Can't beat that!

Do you have a question about thrifting (or anything else?) You can email me at or reach me on our FB page.

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