12 in 12 (January 2014)

January 15, 2014

Time for the first 12 in 12 of 2014! This month, the 12th fell on a Sunday, which means that our day was only very slightly different from an average day. When you're a SAH parent (or a WAH one), weekends don't really mean the same thing as they did before. It's like a weird version of Narnia -- always Friday, never quite Saturday.

We're pottytraining over here, which means we're also doing lots of laundry. Can you count the number of Anne's outfit changes in this one 24-hour period? Go! Also be sure to click over to No Monsters in My Bed and Not-So-SAHM to see how they spent their days.

8:00 AM: Due to recurrent bouts of inflammation, my eye doctor has decreed I have to wear my glasses as much as possible for the next few weeks. I will be OK -- but my vanity is suffering.

11:00 AM: After a lazy morning, we headed over to Hampton for our monthly(ish) brunch with friends at Conch & Bucket. Anouk was obsessed with her newest little friend, the 2-month-old Baby T. She even shared her Elsa doll with her, which is selflessness personified in Anne-world.

1:30 PM: Because we're in the area, I stop by Patrick Henry Mall on the way home to return a few things at Gap (and pick up a few others, of course). I buy most of my clothing secondhand, so being able to find items in multiple sizes seems like a luxury. P.S.: Can you tell what my favorite color is from this picture?

2:30 PM: This nap isn't going so well today. Anouk finally goes down but only after an hour of bargaining (and bribing).

3:45 PM: Bathroom: While A. is napping, I work on the back bathroom, which we're in the middle of painting. I wish we had before pictures because they were baaaad -- peeling silver flowered wallpaper and faded brown trim, yuck! This color is a little greyer than it appears in the photo -- a kind of sandy stone (It's Natural Wicker by Glidden, same as our bedroom, and I chose it primarily because we had an extra gallon of it on hand).

4:30 PM: Anouk has awakened and is running around the house playing a complicated game that involves 1) the cat, 2) my tape measure, and 3) a silpat. ???

5:00 PM: A few weeks ago, I took over the Fun and Free Hampton Roads blog on HamptonRoads.com. I spend an hour or so researching for upcoming posts. Lots of (fun! free!) MLK Day events coming up so be sure to click over this week. Not pictured: the giant basket of laundry behind my computer. #soprofesh

7) 5:30 PM: Thank you notes! While writing one to her friend Cade, Anouk draws her first A. "So he'll know it's from me." I might not be able to send this, I think I have to keep it.

6:30 PM: Brunch this morning was so much fun that we decide to have eggs and bacon for dinner, too. Look at that man of mine, cooking while I sit back and blog! I tell you, I like this photo.

7:30 PM: Of course we have to recreate the brunch Bloody Marys, too. And from then on, things get rowdy (AKA we watch multiple episodes of Call the Midwife while A. gets ready for bed.)

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  1. Does that baby doll have crayon on her face? Looks like what Baby Whimsy does. Except it's usually chalk since we watch her like a hawk with crayons. :)


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