The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse (A Coloring Game)

January 13, 2014

We've been enjoying all of our Christmas presents over the past few weeks but one of the big hits for us as a family has been a little unassuming board game -- a coloring game called The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse, based on a book of the same name by Eric Carle. Anouk got it from her Aunt Bonne, who has a knack for picking out some of the best presents. Thank you, Auntie B.!

The concept is simple: each player gets a handful of small drawings and has to take turns coloring them in. The one who finishes the first is the winner. There are very clearly defined rules (you can only use the color you are given at any certain point) but there's also a lot of room for creativity, too (you can color your drawing in any way you want). Which makes it pretty much the perfect game for the wiggly, I-do-it-myself toddler stage (though I think older kids, and even adults, would enjoy this game just as much. James and I can get pretty cutthroat over it, it brings out our competitive streaks.)

This is the first board game we've ever played with A, and it's gotten me really excited about doing it again in the future. What board games do you play with your family? And am I the only one who thinks there's something incredibly soothing about coloring?

Happy Monday!

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  1. Wow. Sounds like a great game for that age. I love it. I must remember this one.


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